
博主:admin admin 2024-07-09 02:50:51 88 0条评论


由曹保平监制、刘伽茵编剧导演的电影《不虚此行》将于9月9日全国上映。 今日,电影发布“父子之憾”情感预告,预告以写悼词的闻善的自白开篇,“我是用文字送大家最后一程的人”,讲述了委托人王先生对父亲不曾当面言说的爱与缺乏陪伴的遗憾。

黄磊饰演的王先生是闻善的悼词委托人之一,他与父亲的相处模式揭示了中国传统父子不善言辞、缺乏沟通的沉默式关系。 王先生通过给父亲提供优渥生活表达爱意,却也因此缺失了对父亲的陪伴,直到父亲离去他才感受到父亲对爱的真正诉求,这也让王先生对家人的态度开始转变:作为儿子的他已经翻篇了,但是作为父亲的日子还很长。

闻善在电影《不虚此行》中与各形各色的委托人相遇,倾听、深入感受委托人言语中流露的情感。 与委托人的交流过程,既是写悼词的闻善帮委托人回忆、梳理与亲人做最后告别的过程,也是失意编剧闻善被世间真情温暖治愈的过程。

除了王先生一家外(黄磊、龚蓓苾、萧李臻瑱 饰),闻善的悼词委托人,还有同样为亲人写悼词的万家兄妹(扈耀之、赵倩饰);为同事约写悼词的创业者老陆(甘昀宸饰);为网友悼词讨说法的邵金穗(齐溪饰);更有为自己预约悼词服务的抗癌达人方阿姨(娜仁花饰)。 而在闻善的成长路上,还有一路陪伴的老师(孙淳饰)、在殡仪馆工作的好友潘聪聪(白客饰)和有故事的饲养员(杨庆生饰)…闻善在这些悼词的撰写过程中与委托人实现了双向治愈,感受到了尽兴而活的真谛,闻善也在双向治愈的过程中实现了自己的成长与和解。

影片在第25届上海国际电影节进行了多场展映,收获不俗口碑。 胡歌在获得最佳男演员奖项时表示:“当一个演员真正爱上一个角色的时候,他就会把自己完全地交给这个角色,这也是我最深刻的一次体验。” 观众也对胡歌的表演进行了夸赞:“胡歌作为绝对主角,表演方式和以前有很大的不同,表演方式更加沉浸细腻”、“胡歌完全成为闻善本身,从形象到内在都有更深层次地展现。”

《不虚此行》以独特的视角聚焦生死离别,探讨了人生的意义和价值。 影片通过一个个感人的故事,传递出珍惜当下、尽兴而活的生活态度,引发观众对生命的深刻思考。


A Wave of "Kete Valuation" Sweeps Through the Market: 50 Stocks Poised for Strong Growth

Shanghai, China - June 17, 2024 - A recent surge in investor sentiment towards growth stocks, particularly in the healthcare and technology sectors, has been dubbed the "Kete Valuation" phenomenon, named after the Chinese pharmaceutical company C-Bridge (6160.HK). This trend is reminiscent of the "CATL Valuation" rally that occurred in 2021, driven by the strong performance of Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Ltd. (300015.SZ).

The "Kete Valuation" is characterized by a sharp increase in the share prices of companies with promising growth prospects, often defying broader market trends. This is evident in the recent performance of 50 stocks identified by analysts as having significant growth potential. These stocks, spanning various industries including healthcare, technology, and consumer goods, have exhibited remarkable resilience amidst recent market volatility.

Factors Driving the "Kete Valuation"

Several factors are contributing to the "Kete Valuation" trend. Firstly, investors are increasingly seeking out companies that can deliver sustainable growth, particularly in the face of global economic uncertainties. Secondly, the easing of monetary policy in major economies is providing a supportive backdrop for riskier assets like growth stocks. Additionally, advancements in technology and innovation are creating new opportunities for companies in various sectors, fueling investor optimism.

Key Beneficiaries of the "Kete Valuation"

Among the 50 stocks identified as potential beneficiaries of the "Kete Valuation," C-Bridge (6160.HK) stands out as a frontrunner. The company's innovative cancer therapies and strong pipeline of new drugs have attracted significant investor interest. Other notable stocks include:

  • Ascletis Pharma (1672.HK): A clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing novel therapies for cancer and viral diseases.

  • Aier Eye Hospital Group (300015.SZ): A leading provider of comprehensive eye care services in China.

  • Xiaomi Corporation (1810.HK): A global technology company known for its smartphones, smart home devices, and internet services.

Investment Implications

The "Kete Valuation" presents an opportunity for investors to capitalize on the growth potential of select companies. However, careful due diligence is crucial, as not all growth stocks are created equal. Investors should thoroughly evaluate a company's financial health, competitive landscape, and long-term growth prospects before making investment decisions.

The "Kete Valuation" highlights the evolving dynamics of the Chinese stock market, where investors are increasingly discerning and seeking out companies with genuine growth potential. This trend is likely to continue as China's economy transitions towards a more innovation-driven and knowledge-based model.

The End

发布于:2024-07-09 02:50:51,除非注明,否则均为科技新闻原创文章,转载请注明出处。